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Laserová zváračka ERBOS.jpg

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1500W  /   2000W

Laserová zváračka .JPG



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Prečo laserové zváranie od nás? 

  • Dlhoročné skúsenosti s laserovými technológiami Viac ako 4roky skúseností a prezentácií s laserovým zváraním 

  • Certifikované OPP pre laserové zváranie ( laserová zváracia kukla)  

  • Profesionálne poradenstvo 

  • Technická podpora pre zákazníkov 

  • Náhradné diely skladom

  • Vlastné servisné stredisko pre laserové zváranie 

  • Vyškolený servisný technici 

  • Spolupracujeme  so zváračskými školami 

  • Naše laserové zváracie zariadenia sú bezpečné a bezpečne označené štítkami v Slovenčine

Načo si dávať pozor ?

  • Bezpečnosť pri laserovom zváraní nakoľko ide o laser IV triedy ( 1080nm)

  • Vždy používajte ochrannú zváraciu kuklu vybavenú DIN sklom a certifikovaným sklom proti laseru ( ochranné okuliare nie sú vhodné pre laserové zváranie  a nechránia celú vašu tvár)

  • Nikdy sa nepozerajte do laserovej zváracej hlavy

  • Nevystavujte sa priamemu ani rozptýlenému laserovému lúču

  • Pozor na vysokoreflexné materiály ( hliník)

  • Nikdy nemierte na nikoho laserovou zváracou hlavou

  • Ak Vám niekto ponúka takéto zariadenie bez akéhokoľvek školenia o bezpečnosti, bez laserovej kukly a  ukážky hrozí vysoké riziko úrazu ( popáleniny , straty zraku) 

  • Akékoľvek tvrdenia predávajúcich o vhodnosti zvárania hrubých materiálov nie sú korektné a sú zavádzajúce 



Vanad KOMPAKT Laser for the fastest, as well as very economic cutting. The CNC machine Vanad KOMPAKT Laser enables extremely precise, fast and highly efficient thermal cutting of materials. Its design makes it suitable for use in small, medium-sized and large operations or for pre-production series. Thanks to minimal kerf and low heat influence of material, the highly focused laser beam allows for the common line cutting of the material. You can choose from a large number of supplementar fittings. 




Vanad KOMPAKT Laser for the fastest, as well as very economic cutting. The CNC machine Vanad KOMPAKT Laser enables extremely precise, fast and highly efficient thermal cutting of materials. Its design makes it suitable for use in small, medium-sized and large operations or for pre-production series. Thanks to minimal kerf and low heat influence of material, the highly focused laser beam allows for the common line cutting of the material. You can choose from a large number of supplementar fittings. 



Vanad KOMPAKT Laser for the fastest, as well as very economic cutting. The CNC machine Vanad KOMPAKT Laser enables extremely precise, fast and highly efficient thermal cutting of materials. Its design makes it suitable for use in small, medium-sized and large operations or for pre-production series. Thanks to minimal kerf and low heat influence of material, the highly focused laser beam allows for the common line cutting of the material. You can choose from a large number of supplementar fittings. 


Laserové zváracie zariadenie 2000W

  • Výkon lasera 2000W

  • Vlnová dĺžka 1080nm

  • Dĺžka vedenia 5m

  • Nastaviteľná rýchlosť zvárania 

  • Nastviteľná šírka zvaru 0,1-4mm

  • Ovládanie parametrov cez laserovú hlavu

  • Podávač drôtu Ø 0,8/1/1,2/1,6

  • Bez tepelných deformácií 

  • Chladenie vodou 

  • Vhodné pre Oceľ ,Nerez, Pozinkovanú oceľ, 

  • Sada spotrebného materiálu (sklíčka ,trysky)



Vanad KOMPAKT Laser for the fastest, as well as very economic cutting. The CNC machine Vanad KOMPAKT Laser enables extremely precise, fast and highly efficient thermal cutting of materials. Its design makes it suitable for use in small, medium-sized and large operations or for pre-production series. Thanks to minimal kerf and low heat influence of material, the highly focused laser beam allows for the common line cutting of the material. You can choose from a large number of supplementar fittings. 




Vanad KOMPAKT Laser for the fastest, as well as very economic cutting. The CNC machine Vanad KOMPAKT Laser enables extremely precise, fast and highly efficient thermal cutting of materials. Its design makes it suitable for use in small, medium-sized and large operations or for pre-production series. Thanks to minimal kerf and low heat influence of material, the highly focused laser beam allows for the common line cutting of the material. You can choose from a large number of supplementar fittings. 



Vanad KOMPAKT Laser for the fastest, as well as very economic cutting. The CNC machine Vanad KOMPAKT Laser enables extremely precise, fast and highly efficient thermal cutting of materials. Its design makes it suitable for use in small, medium-sized and large operations or for pre-production series. Thanks to minimal kerf and low heat influence of material, the highly focused laser beam allows for the common line cutting of the material. You can choose from a large number of supplementar fittings. 




Vanad KOMPAKT Laser for the fastest, as well as very economic cutting. The CNC machine Vanad KOMPAKT Laser enables extremely precise, fast and highly efficient thermal cutting of materials. Its design makes it suitable for use in small, medium-sized and large operations or for pre-production series. Thanks to minimal kerf and low heat influence of material, the highly focused laser beam allows for the common line cutting of the material. You can choose from a large number of supplementar fittings. 

Machine Advantage

ERBOS laser cleaning machine is a high-tech product of the new generation of surface treatment. It is environmentally friendly, which causes the surface dirt, rust or coating to evaporate or peel off, and effectively removes the surface adhering or surface coating of the cleaning object at high speed. The laser cleaning machine is easy to install and control. It is easy to remove resin stains, paint-coat, rust, cladding material, and paint. It is widely applicable in varies of industries, which can effectively reduce the machine maintenance cost and improve the industrial cleaning effect.



A environlent-friendly cleaning choice: It not only means that the laser cleaning is effect, but also the cleaning process is environmental protection process. It doesn’t use chemical cleaner, moreover, thus avoiding damage to materials caused by chemical corrosion.

Accurate Positioning

Accurate positioning, no damage to materials: Laser cleaning machine can clean very sensitive material surfaces such as aluminum, carbon, stainless, carbon fiber reinforced polymer or coated material, without damaging the materials. Or laser work on the material surface to make it be roughened to increase the strength of the bond. The flexibility of the fiber laser cleaning machine allows it to be used in a variety of industries, The flexibility of laser cleaning machine enables to be applied to all kinds of work required, and the cost of laser cleaning is only 1/5 of that of chemical cleaning.

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